11/27/2008 08:48:00 AM

More Geo Pics

Since I am on hiatus from caching for a bit, and it happens to be Thanksgiving, I thought now would be a good time to post some pics I have taken while out and about.

These are some of the views I am thankful for. :)

The Fox River

Brothertown Harbor

Found this tree in an unexpected place. :)

This is why I love Autumn.

The Boardwalk

11/25/2008 09:36:00 PM


I am experiencing a lapse in my geocaching activities as of late. With the daily beatings at the workplace and the recent unfavorable Wisconsin weather, I have kept myself inside. This does not make me happy. Looks like a busy weekend coming up with the holidays of course. Lots of family time planned for Thursday and back to work on Friday.
Maybe I will luck out this weekend and get some nice weather. Precipitation is acceptable, please just let it be above freezing! :-)

Since my geocaching will be slowing down during the "brrrr months", I will post some images that I have taken while out geocaching. One of the best parts about geocaching for me is the peacefulness of solitude and the new places I get to experience. I like to experience new places on my own so I can really take it all in.

Anyhoo, I will be posting pics when I can, or just rambling away on my other blog.

Happy holidays.


11/09/2008 10:44:00 AM


So I was super-excited yesterday. I was really looking forward to going to my first geocaching event. This particular event also happened to by a WWFM event. Not sure if anyone listens to the Podcacher podcast or not, but if so, then you should be familiar with the WWFM.
Any way, I was looking forward to going all week. Yesterday I was checking my work e-mail, like I do frequently from home, and saw that there was an issue that I needed to take care of right away. Needless to say I finished that up right around 11:20 am.
The event started at 12:00 pm. If I didn't get to the event before 12:00 pm, I would not know who was the designate. I wouldn't know if I was walking up to a cache mob or a mob of muggles!
So I hop in my MINI and head out. According to my GPS I could make it to the location with about a minute or two to spare. Things were looking good!
I was speeding along when I realized that I was not going to be able to keep the pace that I needed in order to get to the event in time. Once I exited the highway there were 45mph speed zones that I had to pass through to get downtown, and then 25mph once I got downtown. The outlook was bleak.
I told the MINI we had to move and put the pedal down a little further. Whoo-hoo! I love speeding! (Don't tell my boyfriend)
MINI and I made it downtown at 12:02 pm. Bummer. I saw GZ but could not determine what was what due to the fact that there had just been a parade downtown and there were people everywhere. I tried to find a place to park just to see if I could mosey over and pick-out the group. No parking spaces either! Grrrr. You'd think that I could find a place to squeeze my MINI into. Nope. This event just wasn't in my cards.
I am bummed that I missed the event, but I had a nice ride home and took a pic of a pretty tree.

11/02/2008 08:42:00 PM

Stormy Weather

Bad weather wasn't going to keep me from caching today. I wanted to get out yesterday when the sun was shining but it just wasn't in the cards.
That's all right; stormy weather makes it a little more peaceful. I found some neat finds today. A few firsts for me. I found my first cache that was hidden inside a seashell in the woods. :)
Silly place for a shell to be. You would have thought it would have been a quick find. Maybe it would be a quick find earlier in the year. All the leaves on the ground made it a little tough. But found it before it got dark.
Also found my first cache way up in a tree. Thought I was going to have to channel my inner-monkey to get that one down. I started to climb and realized that the camo peanut jar was taped to a large branch that was made to look like part of the tree. Very sneaky!
Anyway, found it and signed the log. I got caught out in the rain on this one. I was pretty far in the woods when it decided to switch from slight drizzle to downpour. That's OK, this one was worth it. I liked the area so much that I will visit again.
It was also a good day for me as far as trading goes. I like signature items and I had only found one signature item in a cache up until today. Today I found two! YAY! Traded some items for them.
All in all a good day geocaching for me. I was glad to get some in before it gets really cold. I have never snow-cached, so that should be interesting once we get farther into the cold season.
I'll keep you posted on that.
Keep on caching.